Educational game "All together" by Djeko. Overview

Djeco board game "Every time!" your baby will like it. В коробке 4 animal figures: a penguin, a bear, a fox and a bunny, 6 ice creams, 2 playing fields and a bridge. And also a cube for defining moves. Four friends have to get to their needle on the snow-white ice. But they should be very careful, because the ice bridge can collapse at any moment! This game teaches children to work together, agree and win together. During the game, the child will get acquainted with the main flowers, learn to distinguish figures, shapes and colors, train logical thinking and fine motor skills of the fingers.

Video author: Олеся Новикова, pre-school teacher-psychologist, host of the program " Мамина школа " on TV channel TSV, mother of two children. The program educates, entertains and inspires parents.