5 Halloween games for kids

Halloween is a new holiday here, but it has become quite popular in a short time. Of course, we have not taken over all the traditions and rituals specific to this holiday, but we celebrate it in our own way. But more correctly said - we don't celebrate it with creepy decorations and costumes, but rather it's an extra opportunity to gather with friends {big and small}.
We also invent some Halloween-themed snacks, especially the kids, being older, are attracted to ghosts and monsters, but my task has always been to prepare the fun part - Halloween games.
But still, board games, which can gather children of different ages on the floor, are the most practical. Even more so if they also have a Halloween theme and can be played even in the dark – for an extra dose of adrenaline.
This time, Carousel gave us new games from Djeco to test – all with a ghost and monster theme. And Halloween is the perfect time to try them.
If your family is also caught up in the Halloween wave and you are looking for some good games for your family and friends to have fun on Halloween, below you will find 5 board games for children over 5 years old.
(I) Halloween Board Games - Toddlers
"Monster Ghost" Memory and Strategy Game {5 - 10 Years}
The game is about haunted houses, and children as young as 5 are fascinated by everything related to ghosts (although some are still afraid). But with this game you could reduce your fear because the ghosts really are cute and some even love candy.
The rule of the game can be adjusted according to age and for Adelina I chose the easier version, taking into account that she is not yet 5 years old. But what do the rules matter if it's played with mommy and these cute ghosts?! 🙂
Each player chooses a board – which is actually a haunted house.
There are 4 boards, respectively a maximum of 4 players and tokens with ghosts that have monsters on the back. Tokens are placed in the middle with monsters on the face. The die is rolled and the token with the monster indicated on the die is turned over. The smaller ones can only be played according to the first instruction, that is, without the memory game: the token (indicated on the dice) is turned over and placed on the game board. If he already has this ghost (which differs by emotions), then it's the other player's turn.
The game ends when one of the players completes the board with the different ghosts (which are 6 in number).
The older ones can follow the second rule: you have to memorize which monster is on the back of the ghost from the other players (and in which position), and if, by rolling the dice, that monster falls, then you can steal it from the player opponent and put him on the board.
In addition to developing memory and concentration, the game also develops the fine motor skills of the hand when turning the chips.
Mini Family {4-7 years}
I really enjoyed this game, although Adeline found it harder to hold the cards in her hand so that the other players couldn't see her cards. It's a light game and can be played as a family, regardless of age.
The illustrations on the books are cute and from the world of fairy tales - so no monsters and ghosts, perfect for the little ones.
The goal is to gather as many families as possible (consisting of 4 members). You just need to ask other players for a member of the family you've started to gather.
For example : one player starts gathering the family of sorcerers and asks another player to give him the daughter of this family. If he has it, he must give it to her without hesitation.
Mistiboo phosphorescent card game! {4-10 years}
This game is as simple as it is fun for any age! When kids start playing it, they can't stop playing it.
Simple game ideas for siblings of different ages
The purpose of the game is quite simple : the cards are dealt among the players and, until the game starts, each one draws identical pairs of cards. Then, in turn, each player randomly draws a new card from the next player (without seeing their cards): if they form a pair, they discard it. Whoever is left with the mystery cat that has no mate loses.
More details about this game (which is a favorite in our family) can be found in the article Simple game ideas for siblings of different ages
(II) Halloween games – older children
Strategy Card Game "Bogoss" {6 - 99 Years}
Bogoboss is a strategy game that is easy to understand even for 6 year olds. I also tried it at a gathering with friends and the boys were very excited when they saw many skeletons 🙂
But the exciting element is that it can be played in the dark thanks to the phosphorescent illustrations – and it's perfect for Halloween night!
The game becomes more interesting when there are more players. To win you must assemble 1 skeleton with broken bones or 2 skeletons with whole bones. Each player, keeping their cards face down, calls for the pieces they need to assemble the skeleton. If the requested piece is not in the competitor's set, then take a card from the pile.
It's an interactive tactical game that can be played on Halloween by any age and is more about luck than logic.
Strategy game "TriMonsters" {6-99 years}
It took me some time to understand this strategy game better, so it challenges even the adult. It's not such a simple game, but I played it with great interest with my son and husband.
It's a tactical game where you have to use your cards carefully, placing them on the table to collect as many cards as possible. Monsters of the same color must be placed next to each other and win when four of them meet.
This article is taken from the Planeta Mami blog where the author, Natalia Madan, shares her ideas for games that stimulate curiosity, laughter and creativity, healthy recipes for children, real parenting stories and lots of inspiration for mothers.